Rep. Mike Gallagher has announced he is resigning his Congressional seat effective April 19. This is calculated. Gallagher could leave now, and allow his safe Republican seat to be filled quickly. Instead, he is deliberately leaving on a timeline that will leave it empty until November, leaving the GOP majority even smaller and making a Democrat House takeover a real possibility. Gallagher is a traitor to his party and to the people who voted for him. What a spiteful, repulsive creature. – Charlie Kirk
- This is what I was saying. Republicans never actually won the House in the midterms. It was all a setup so the Establishment could do whatever they can to retain power and destroy the U.S. That’s why we need to legally remove Establishment members of Congress from power now. Paul Spyzula
- Just another McCarthy on our hands. If Trump hires McCarthy for ANY position other than cleaning public restrooms, than we will end up in this mess in 5 more years
- I think we know now. Stop projecting your own good intentions and honesty onto RINOs.
May 21st McCarthy seat will be filled again and on June 11th the open OH GOP seat will be filled, on June 25th Ken Bucks seat will be filled all are safe RED. Johnson could literally put the house in recesss for weeks if needed until the GOP seats are filled. No need to panic – Jake Snake