This Woman Worked In Bohemian Grove For 11 Years, She Collaborates Basically Everything @RealAlexJones Claims. Underage Prostitution, Elite Meetings That Decide Global Policies, Establishing Of Banks, Cloning, Paid Off Law Enforcement, Global Heads Of Medicine Attend, Viruses & More “I worked here for 11 years and educated myself. —The truth is when you’re quiet and you listen, you learn. And around these people, the quieter you are, the more you learn. I knew about the cloning of sheep before it happened, years. I knew about HIV and mosquitoes years before they knew about Why they tell Because the old no. The old man, they they get freaked out and they have these big conferences with the head, you know, people of the world.
I was friends with the paramedics. But my I’m really happy this day has come. I’ve been wanting it for a really long time. I could tell you that they refer to everybody outside the club as little men. Every single man is a little man unless you’re in this club. They are the brainstorm of everything that happens. They are the movers, the shakers. In front of them. But I can tell you this, that the every sheriff you see is bought now. They have no integrity. Doesn’t matter if you know them on the street and they’re nice and they smile at you. When it comes around by 8 o’clock, everyone’s bought out. Underage prostitute, it’s always been going on. That’s not the point. The point is the big picture and that’s the big news. The banks that got built, everything has been decided here.”
This Woman Worked In Bohemian Grove For 11 Years, She Collaborates Basically Everything @RealAlexJones Claims. Underage Prostitution, Elite Meetings That Decide Global Policies, Establishing Of Banks, Cloning, Paid Off Law Enforcement, Global Heads Of Medicine Attend, Viruses &…
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) March 26, 2024