A community comes together to speak out against US Military Veteran Arrested for giving food to homeless “A military veteran arrested for feeding the homeless in Dayton, Ohio. Police arrested a veteran, an organizer with Nourish Our Neighbors who gave food to a poor person. I cannot stress enough, a veteran was arrested for handing someone two burritos” “Officer John M. Zimmerman, Officer J.M. Zimmerman. Arrested a veteran who also happens to be my husband of six years for handing our beloved community member, Johnny, two burritos. I cannot imagine the shame and guilt you must all feel for letting a man get arrested for showing a basic act of kindness.” Continued below the vid clip
This Is The Government Our Founding Fathers Warned Us About
🚨 A community comes together to speak out against US Military Veteran Arrested for giving food to homeless
“A military veteran arrested for feeding the homeless in Dayton, Ohio. Police arrested a veteran, an organizer… pic.twitter.com/weQs4wecDO
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) April 13, 2024
“I know that you know this was a really big mistake. I know that Zimmerman knows this was a really big mistake because while his personal desire was to haul my husband to jail and make him stay overnight and pay $500 in fines, magically my husband was let out of the cruiser” “Free food is not a crime. City ordinance 137-21” — “Does the City of Dayton really want to enforce unjust and unconstitutional laws?” “The need for our unhoused neighbors to be taken care of and given essential items comes directly from the negligence of every single one of you up there. I know for y’all money triumphs all, but for so many of us, community is everything. You are stripping us of that.
Every day I find new reasons to feel shame and sadness that I call the Jim City home when the poorest of us can’t even build community. What everyone here, including the officers present at the square, fail to realize is that the community is my family. This city claims to be a human rights city, but will arrest you for feeding a stranger for free. What a joke. To quote Adrienne Riek, if you are trying to transform a brutalized society into one where people can live in dignity and hope, you begin with empowering of the most powerless. You build from the ground up, and that is exactly what our mutual aid efforts are. Empowering those who are abused and ignored by the systems in place that you all uphold. Do the right thing. Stand with the people. Power and liberation to the people. Thank you.”