Aardman Animation, a studio celebrated for its unique stop-motion creativity but not as mainstream as giants like Walt Disney Animation, is set to release a new Wallace and Gromit adventure on Netflix. “Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl,” anticipated for a 2025 debut, reintroduces the beloved characters amidst modern technological quandaries. The story unfolds as Wallace becomes overly reliant on his inventions, specifically an AI-enhanced “smart” gnome that inevitably malfunctions, echoing concerns of our tech-driven society.
First-look images from the new Aardman feature WALLACE & GROMIT: VENGEANCE MOST FOWL.
Directed by Nick Park & Merlin Crossingham, the film will feature the return of classic villain Feathers McGraw.
Netflix will release the film worldwide (ex. UK) this winter 2025. pic.twitter.com/n4CYfD7gyk
— cartoonbrew.com – Animation News (@cartoonbrew) June 7, 2024
Feathers McGraw, the notorious penguin villain from the 1993 Oscar-winning short “The Wrong Trousers,” is set to make a significant return in this installment. This character, famous for his clever disguise as a chicken, has been a recurring figure in various Wallace and Gromit films and games, including a subtle presence in the feature film “The Curse of the Wererabbit” and the video game “Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo.” His role in “Vengeance Most Fowl” promises to be substantial, as hinted in a teaser trailer for the film.
Despite the challenges Aardman has faced in connecting with American audiences, with films like “Shaun the Sheep” and “Early Man” achieving greater success internationally than domestically, the advent of streaming platforms has provided new opportunities for the studio. Recent projects include a sequel to “Chicken Run” for Netflix and a first-time collaboration with Disney in 2023 for the “Star Wars: Visions” anthology series. Additionally, Aardman ventured into virtual reality with a Wallace and Gromit game for Meta Quest in December, demonstrating the studio’s adaptability and continued relevance in the animation landscape.
He's back… with a vengeance.
Feathers McGraw returns in Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl, a brand new film premiering on @BBC in the UK and @netflix globally this winter. pic.twitter.com/G3hEBAx83l
— Aardman (@aardman) June 6, 2024
The upcoming Wallace and Gromit project not only signifies a fresh chapter for the iconic duo but also reflects the evolving dynamics of content consumption, where streaming services offer a platform for niche creators like Aardman. Directed by Nick Park and featuring Ben Whitehead as the voice of Wallace, “Vengeance Most Fowl” is strategically positioned for the winter, potentially aligning it with the upcoming Oscar season and affirming its anticipated appeal and artistic integrity.
Major Points
- Aardman Animation is set to release a new Wallace and Gromit film titled “Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl” on Netflix, anticipated for a 2025 debut.
- The film features Wallace becoming overly dependent on his latest invention, an AI “smart” gnome, which malfunctions, reflecting modern technological concerns.
- Feathers McGraw, the villain from the 1993 Oscar-winning short “The Wrong Trousers,” returns to play a major role in the new installment.
- Despite its niche status in the U.S., Aardman has found success with streaming platforms, recently collaborating with Netflix and Disney and venturing into virtual reality.
- Directed by Nick Park and voiced by Ben Whitehead, the film is positioned for release this winter, aiming for potential Oscar season attention.
Fallon Jacobson – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News